Homework 7 Solutions

Solution Files

You can find the solutions in hw07.scm.

Scheme is a famous functional programming language from the 1970s. It is a dialect of Lisp (which stands for LISt Processing). The first observation most people make is the unique syntax, which uses a prefix notation and (often many) nested parentheses (see http://xkcd.com/297/). Scheme features first-class functions and optimized tail-recursion, which were relatively new features at the time.

You may find it useful to try code.cs61a.org/scheme when working through problems, as it can draw environment and box-and-pointer diagrams and it lets you walk your code step-by-step (similar to Python Tutor). Don't forget to submit your code through Ok though!

Scheme Editor

As you're writing your code, you can debug using the Scheme Editor. In your scheme folder you will find a new editor. To run this editor, run python3 editor. This should pop up a window in your browser; if it does not, please navigate to localhost:31415 and you should see it.

Make sure to run python3 ok in a separate tab or window so that the editor keeps running.

If you find that your code works in the online editor but not in your own interpreter, it's possible you have a bug in code from an earlier part that you'll have to track down. Every once in a while there's a bug that our tests don't catch, and if you find one you should let us know!

Required Questions

Getting Started Videos

These videos may provide some helpful direction for tackling the coding problems on this assignment.

To see these videos, you should be logged into your berkeley.edu email.

YouTube link

Keyword Lists

In the following problems, you will explore creating two separate implementations for the same abstraction.

A keyword list is the Scheme analogue of a dict in Python, with a few key differences:

  • It allows for repeating keys
  • It functions as a list as well, which allows for ordering.

The kwlist abstraction keeps a mapping of keys and values. To create a kwlist, call the constructor (make-kwlist keys values) where keys is a Scheme list of symbols and values is a Scheme list of any type. This returns some abstracted item lst that we can call the following methods to either retrieve or add items:

scm> (define lst (make-kwlist '(x y z) '(7 8 9)) ; create the keyword list
scm> (get-first-from-kwlist lst 'x) ; get an item
scm> (define lst (add-to-kwlist lst 'a 10)) ; add a new item
scm> (get-first-from-kwlist lst 'a) ; get the new item.

Q1: Keyword List: Construct

First, implement abstractions for kwlist in two ways, with the following example: (kwlist '(x y z) '(7 8 9))

  1. kwlist1, which stores a keyword list in the following manner: ((key1 key2 key3 ...) (value1 value2 value3 ...). With the example above, this should look like ((x y z) (7 8 9)).
  2. kwlist2, which stores a keyword list in the following manner: ((key1 value1) (key2 value2) ...). With the example above, this should look like ((x 7) (y 8) (z 9)).

Specifically, implement constructors and selectors for kwlist1 and kwlist2.

  • The constructors, make-kwlist1 and make-kwlist2, should take in Scheme lists for both keys and values, and construct the abstraction as above.
  • The selectors, get-keys-kwlist1, get-keys-kwlist2, get-values-kwlist1, and get-values-kwlist1, should take in a kwlist1 or kwlist2 and return their keys and values respectively. Note that because you are currently creating the implementation, you are "under the abstraction barrier;" feel free to refer to specific details of the structure of kwlist1 and kwlist2.

Hint: The map function may prove to be useful, but is not required. You may also use the cadr function, which is defined for you in the file.

scm> (define ex-lst1 (make-kwlist1 '(a b c) '(1 2 3)))
scm> (get-keys-kwlist1 ex-lst1)
(a b c)
scm> (get-values-kwlist1 ex-lst1)
(1 2 3)
scm> (define ex-lst2 (make-kwlist2 '(a b c) '(1 2 3)))
scm> (get-keys-kwlist2 ex-lst)
(a b c)
scm> (get-values-kwlist2 ex-lst)
(1 2 3)
(define (make-kwlist1 keys values)
(list keys values)
) (define (get-keys-kwlist1 kwlist)
(car kwlist)
) (define (get-values-kwlist1 kwlist)
(cadr kwlist)
) (define (make-kwlist2 keys values)
(if (null? keys) nil (cons (list (car keys) (car values)) (make-kwlist2 (cdr keys) (cdr values))))
) (define (get-keys-kwlist2 kwlist)
(map (lambda (x) (car x)) kwlist)
) (define (get-values-kwlist2 kwlist)
(map (lambda (x) (cadr x)) kwlist)

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q kwlist_construct

Important: For the following questions, your implementations should be invariant with respect to the abstraction used; that is, it should work regardless of whether kwlist1 or kwlist2 is used. Specifically, in the tests, we will define the abstraction kwlist as either kwlist1 or kwlist2:

scm> (define make-kwlist make-kwlist1)
scm> (define get-keys-kwlist get-keys-kwlist1)
scm> (define get-values-kwlist get-values-kwlist1)
; tests here...
scm> (define make-kwlist make-kwlist2)
scm> (define get-keys-kwlist get-keys-kwlist2)
scm> (define get-values-kwlist get-values-kwlist2)
; tests here...

You should refer to the above kwlist procedures, not kwlist1 or kwlist2's procedures in your implementation.

Q2: Keyword List: Add

Now, implement add-to-kwlist, which implements support for adding a new (key, value) pair to any implementation of a kwlist. Specifically, add-to-kwlist takes in a kwlist, a key, and a value as input, and returns a new kwlist with updated keys and values. Note that kwlists are ordered; that is, a pair p1 that was added to a kwlist before a different pair p2 should appear earlier in the kwlist.

Hint: The append method may be useful here. To make your implementation work with both abstractions, be sure to use methods ending in kwlist, not kwlist1 or kwlist2.

scm> (define ex-lst (make-kwlist '(a b c) '(1 2 3)))
scm> (get-keys-kwlist ex-lst)
(a b c)
scm> (get-values-kwlist ex-lst)
(1 2 3)
scm> (define ex-lst (add-to-kwlist ex-lst 'd '4))
scm> (get-keys-kwlist ex-lst) ; note that new items are at the end of the list!
(a b c d)
scm> (get-values-kwlist ex-lst) ; here too!
(1 2 3 4)
(define (add-to-kwlist kwlist key value)
(make-kwlist (append (get-keys-kwlist kwlist) (list key)) (append (get-values-kwlist kwlist) (list value)))

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q kwlist_add

Q3: (Optional) Keyword List: Get

Now, implement get-first-from-kwlist, which implements support for getting the first value bound to a key in kwlist. If key is not present in the list, the function should return nil to indicate that there were no valid keys found.

Hint: Consider using let to temporarily bind names to values. To make your implementation work with both abstractions, be sure to use methods ending in kwlist, not kwlist1 or kwlist2.

scm> (define ex-lst (make-kwlist '(a b c) '(1 2 3)))
scm> (get-first-from-kwlist ex-lst 'b)
scm> (get-first-from-kwlist ex-lst 'd) ; if not found, return nil
scm> (define ex-lst (add-to-kwlist ex-lst 'd '4))
scm> (get-first-from-kwlist ex-lst 'b)
scm> (get-first-from-kwlist ex-lst 'd)
scm> (define ex-lst (add-to-kwlist ex-lst 'd '5))
scm> (get-first-from-kwlist ex-lst 'b)
scm> (get-first-from-kwlist ex-lst 'd) ; return the *first* occurrence
(define (get-first-from-kwlist kwlist key)
(if (null? (get-keys-kwlist kwlist)) nil (let ((values (get-values-kwlist kwlist)) (keys (get-keys-kwlist kwlist))) (cond ((equal? (car keys) key) (car values)) (else (get-first-from-kwlist (make-kwlist (cdr keys) (cdr values)) key)) ) ) )

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q kwlist_get

Programs as Data

Note that the following question is separate from the previous questions.

Q4: Prune

Implement prune-expr, a procedure that takes in an expression, which is represented as a list, and returns the same expression with every other argument included. The operator should not be modified.

Hint: You may find it helpful to write a helper function that prunes a list.

The behavior of prune-expr is specified by the following doctests:

scm> (prune-expr '(+ 10 20))
(+ 10)
scm> (prune-expr '(+ 10 20 30))
(+ 10 30)
scm> (eval (prune-expr '(+ 10 20 30)))
(define (prune-expr expr)
    (define (prune-helper lst)
(if (or (null? lst) (null? (cdr lst))) lst (cons (car lst) (prune-helper (cdr (cdr lst)))) )
(cons (car expr) (prune-helper (cdr expr)))

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q prune-expr

Chef Curry

Recall that currying transforms a multiple argument function into a series of higher-order, one argument functions. In the next set of questions, you will be creating functions that can automatically curry a function of any length using the notion that programs are data!

Q5: Cooking Curry

Implement the function curry-cook, which takes in a Scheme list formals and a quoted expression body. curry-cook should generate a program as a list which is a curried version of a lambda function. The outputted program should be a curried version of a lambda function with formal arguments equal to formals, and a function body equal to body. You may assume that all functions passed in will have more than 0 formals; otherwise, it would not be curry-able!

For example, if you wanted to curry the function (lambda (x y) (+ x y)), you would set formals equal to '(x y), the body equal to '(+ x y), and make a call to curry-cook: (curry-cook '(x y) '(+ x y)).

scm> (curry-cook '(a) 'a)
(lambda (a) a)
scm> (curry-cook '(x y) '(+ x y))
(lambda (x) (lambda (y) (+ x y)))
(define (curry-cook formals body)
(if (null? formals) body `(lambda (,(car formals)) ,(curry-cook (cdr formals) body)) )

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q curry_cook

Q6: Consuming Curry

Now that you have a function that creates lambda programs as lists, create a function which is able to evaluate lambda functions using a series of arguments. Specifically, implement the function curry-consume, which takes in a curried lambda function curries (not a list), and applys the function to a list of arguments args. Similarly to the previous question, you may make several assumptions:

  1. If curries is an n-curried function, then there will be at most n arguments in args.
  2. If there are 0 arguments, then you may assume that curries has been fully apply'd with relevant arguments; in this case, curries now contains a value representing the output of the lambda function. Return it.

Note that there can be fewer args than formals for the corresponding lambda function curries! In the case that there are fewer arguments, curry-consume should return a curried lambda function, which is the result of partially applying curries up to the number of args provdied.

scm> (define three-curry (curry-cook '(x y z) '(+ x (* y z))))
scm> three-curry
(lambda (x) (lambda (y) (lambda (z) (+ x (* y z)))))
scm> (define three-curry-fn (eval three-curry)) ; three-curry-fn is a lambda function derived from the program
scm> (define eat-two (curry-consume three-curry-fn '(1 2))) ; pass in only two arguments, return should be a one-arg lambda function!
scm> eat-two
(lambda (z) (+ x (* y z)))
scm> (eat-two 3) ; pass in the last argument; 1 + (2 * 3)
scm> (curry-consume three-curry-fn '(1 2 3)) ; all three arguments at once
(define (curry-consume curries args)
(if (null? args) curries (curry-consume (curries (car args)) (cdr args)) )

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q curry_consume

Optional Questions

Homework assignments will also contain prior exam-level questions for you to take a look at. These questions have no submission component; feel free to attempt them if you'd like a challenge!

  1. Fall 2019 Final Q7c: *-to-mul
  2. Fall 2021 Final Q5a: Spice