Midterm 1 Walkthrough

What Would Python Dip?


Assume the following code has been executed.

def dipping(dots):
    if print("you dip"):
        return print("i dip")
        return print(dots) or dots or print("we dip")

What would the Python interpreter display? If the interpreter would include a new line, please enter a new line in your answer.


These questions usually aim to test our ability to understand the program execution and knowledge about the order of evaluating different expressions. It is a skill that is developed with practice and comes super handy when debugging your code. WWPD questions explore what happens when you launch the python code in interactive mode (e.g. by running python -i dipping.py) and start executing the lines from different parts of the question. What gets displayed back by the interpreter should go as your answers.

Glancing through the skeleton, I see that the whole body of the function is a single if-else statement, where print("you dip") is used as the condition. We know that print is a non-pure function, which always returns (its call expression evaluates to) None. However, its argument will always be printed (as long as it is valid). I can assume that "you dip" will always be printed when dipping is called, since print(”you dip”) is the first thing Python evaluates in the code. So as long as I keep that in mind, I can view the original code as:

def dipping(dots):
    if None: # print displays "you dip" and evaluates to None 
        return print("i dip")
        return print(dots) or dots or print("we dip")

The value None is considered a "falsey" value in Python, which means that Python won't execute the code inside the if and will instead execute the code in the else.

To reiterate our findings (which will be useful further):

1) print prints the text and evaluates to None

2) None is considered falsey in Boolean expressions

This simple analysis (even without considering the value of dots argument) already made the future code execution much simpler. Let’s start with part (a):

>>> dipping(0)

We now know the program always starts off by printing "you dip". Now we have to understand what is going on here:

return print(dots) or dots or print("we dip")

We can break down the execution of this line as 1) evaluate print(dots) or dots or print("we dip") 2) return the result of that evaluation.

print(dots) evaluates to None (falsey value) and as a side-effect prints 0. So we’ve got None or dots or print("we dip"). There is or right after, so Python continues the evaluation further (Python cannot short-circuit because None is considered falsy).
dots is 0 (also a Falsy value) and print("we dip") will also evaluate to None, while printing "we dip". So our expression looks like None or 0 or None, which evaluates to a single None (when all values are falsy, the or operator evaluates to the last value in the chain). Thus, the return value is None. The interpreter doesn't display None return values, so no return value will be displayed at all.

Collecting everything printed so far, we have our answer:

you dip # from evaluating if-statement's condition
0 # from evaluating print(dots)
we dip # from evaluating the last print call

Part (b) undergoes a similar analysis. We keep in mind that the interpreter has printed "you dip" already and similar to part (a), focus on this line:

return print(dots) or dots or print("we dip")

print(dots) evaluates to None and prints 555. In contrast to the previous part, dots is a positive value now, which is truthy. So the expression looks like None or 555 or ... — Python actually doesn’t look further since it short-circuits right here. It means that it never even gets a chance to evaluate print("we dip") and display its text. Reminding ourselves that or takes the last value, the return line looks like return 555, which actually gets displayed. The answer then is:

you dip # from evaluating if-statement's condition
555 # from evaluating print(dots)
555 # the return value, result of evaluating dipping(555)

Remember that dipping(0) got evaluated to None, which did not get displayed? Thus, the answer for part (c) is None.

Part (d) is also only concerned about the return value, not what gets displayed. Therefore, we only want to know the value of print(-666) or -666 — the interpreter also short-circuits since negative values are truthy. Ignoring the printed values, the expression goes from None or -666 to -666, which is the answer.

Part (e) asks us to write the same functionality of dipping function using a single-line. The original code is a simple if-statement, which only has a single return in both cases. Looks like a perfect candidate to be rewritten using a conditional expression:

if condition:
    return first_value
    return second_value
# is equivalent to 
return first_value if condition else second_value

We can do the same with the dipping function:

def dipping(dots):
    return print("i dip") if print("you dip") else (print(dots) or dots or print("we dip"))

Ring My Bell Tower


The following code was used to generate the environment diagram below:

floor = 30
def bell(tower, ring):
    ring += tower(ring)(floor)

    def tower(steps):
        return lambda steps: floor + steps

    return tower(ring+1)

my = bell(lambda x: lambda y: x * y, floor)

The environment diagram below represents the final state of the environment. The code is also provided to the right of the diagram, for convenience. Line numbers have been omitted intentionally.


Doing well on environment diagram questions usually require a ton of practice and paying rigorous attention to all of the details. When you are given the environment that represents the final state, it is helpful to look at it for some hints, but it is better to just draw your own diagram and follow the code execution line-by-line. At the end, if your diagram arrived to the same state as the one in the question, you are likely to be correct. If not, mostly it is much easier to quickly start from scratch, instead of attempting to “fix” your current diagram.

This link will take you to the Python Tutor with the code. You can launch it and follow the comments below that describe what happens on each line. Each bullet point represents one step in the environment diagram (there should be 21 total). Follow the red arrow in Python Tutor and the respective comment should tell what that line will do after it is executed.

  • Step 1, Line 1: define a variable floor with value 30.
  • Step 2, Line 2: define a variable bell that refers to a function bell defined in the global frame. Skip the function body since the function is not being called.
  • Step 3, Line 8: make a call to bell with arguments lambda x: lambda y: x * y and floor. We notice that the first argument is a lambda function that returns another lambda function. In order to not overcomplicate things, for now I can look at it as lambda x: <something>, because we will only care about that <something> when this lambda function gets called.
  • Step 4, Line 2: create a frame for bell and assign tower to be a lambda function. Since lambda functions are expressions, it was evaluated in the global frame, before Python opened a frame for bell. Therefore, its parent is a Global frame. ring gets a value of floor, which was evaluated to 30.
  • Step 5, Line 3: we are going add something to ring (it better be a number, since ring is equal to 30 for now). The expression to be added is tower(ring)(floor). According to the call expression rules, Python firstly evaluates what tower(ring) is, before it can call its result on the value of floor. The tower is a lambda function, so the frame that opens is going to be for lambda.
  • Steps 6-8, Line 8: Python goes to line 8 because this is where the body of the lambda function is. It takes one argument x, which got the value of ring from Frame 1 — 30. Its return value is a function that takes argument y and also does “something” (we will only care about it when we execute it). We only have to know that this lambda function was defined in the body of outer lambda, so it has f2 as a parent frame.
  • Steps 9-11, Line 8: the evaluation of tower(ring) is completed — we have figured it is a lambda function defined in f2. You can imagine that Python quickly goes back to line 3 and immediately calls the lambda with argument floor, which has the value of 30. The frame f3 gets created and y gets mapped to 30. The return value is the result x*y, where x and y are both 30, resulting in 900. The variable x is not in f3, so it was looked up from its parent — f2.
  • Step 12, Line 4: Python comes back from lambdas and updates the ring to be 930 (it was 30 and the result of the expression was added, 900). Now the code defines tower(steps) with parent f1 (because its body is in f1). Observe that the argument variable tower gets reassigned to this function, dropping a reference to a lambda function it had before.
  • Step 13, Line 6: before returning, Python has to evaluate tower(ring + 1). ring + 1 would be 931 and tower is a function defined in the previous step.
  • Step 14, Line 4: open a frame f4 for tower, where steps takes up the value of 931.
  • Step 15, Line 5: similarly to step 13, Python firstly evaluates the result of lambda steps: floor + steps before it returns.
  • Step 16, Line 5: evaluate the previous expression as a lambda function that takes argument steps and does something. It was defined in the body of tower(steps), so it takes f4 as its parent. This is our return value.
  • Step 17, Line 6: come back to the line that called tower and bring the evaluated result. It is also going to be a return value.
  • Step 18, Line 9: completed the execution of line 17 and assigned my to be a lambda function defined on line 5, with parent f4. Now we would like to call it with argument 38.
  • Steps 19-21, Line 5: open a frame for this lambda function and steps gets assigned to 38. The return value of this function is floor + steps. Since floor is not in this newborn frame f5, Python looks it up from its parent f4, which does another lookup to its own parent Global to find the value 30. The return value is 30 + 38, resulting in 68.

The diagram we got so far should be consistent with the reference diagram and we can fill in the blanks (a) - (h).

Doctor Octalpus, Reborn


The standard number representation system is the decimal system, where each digit in a number represents a power of ten. The right-most digit is the ones’ place, the next digit is the tens’ place, etc. In the octal system, each digit in a number represents a power of eight. The right-most digit is still the 1’s place, but the next digit is the 8’s place, the next digit is the 64’s place, etc. Each digit ranges from 0-7, so octal numbers will never contain the digits 8 or 9. To convert a number represented in octal to a number represented in decimal, each digit must be multipled by the appropriate power of eight. For example, 123 is actually (1 * 64) + (2 * 8) + (3 * 1), resulting in a decimal representation of 83. The diagram visualizes the equivalence between the octal and decimal numbers:

Implement convert_to_decimal, which takes an octal number and returns the decimal equivalent. The octal number will always start with a non-0 digit, and the number will always be positive.

def convert_to_decimal(octal):
    >>> convert_to_decimal(3) # (8^0 * 3)
    >>> convert_to_decimal(23) # (8^1 * 2) + (8^0 * 3)
    >>> convert_to_decimal(123) # (8^2 * 1) + (8^1 * 2) + (8^0 * 3)
    decimal = 0
    curr_place = _________ # (a)
    _________: # (b)
        curr_digit = _________ # (c)
        decimal = _________ # (d)
        curr_place = _________ # (e)
        octal = _________ # (f)
    return decimal


If you didn't know that we typically use the decimal system and that there are other representation systems, now you know :D! Here is what we have learned from the prompt:

  • In decimal, a number like 83 is constructed like 83 = 8 * 10^1 + 3 * 10^0 = 80 + 3
  • The same 83, but in the octal system would look like 123. Because 123 = 1 * 8^2 + 2 * 8^1 + 3 * 8^0 = 64 + 16 + 3 = 83
  • Observe that in any number representation system, the ones’ place (the rightmost digit) is always multiplied by 1.

Doctests are self-explanatory here, but it always pays off to test our understanding with them. Now we can get started with the problem-solving!

  • This is a problem about digit manipulation, so we use our best friends n % 10 and n // 10 to deal with it.

The code starts with defining decimal, which looks to be our final answer. Then we meet blank (a) that sets a value to curr_place variable. No idea what to do with it, so let’s move on.

For blank (b), it is a while-loop, since a single execution of the if-statement (from what we know so far, nothing else in Python could be ended with :) can’t process all digits from the octal. Since we use octal // 10 to “move” along the digits of the number, we will stay in the while-loop until there are digits in octal. In other words:

while octal > 0: 

To make sure we don’t enter an infinite loop, we can put octal // 10 into blank (f) to advance through the digits and eventually trim octal down to 0.

Blank (c) is less mysterious than its “curr” sibling from blank (a). It asks for a current digit in octal (which we will definitely use to convert the number back to decimal), so current_digit = octal % 10 . Observe that on every iteration, current_digit will be equal to the rightmost digit.

Now we have to update the decimal. According to the formula, we multiply the rightmost digit by the appropriate power of 8. Every time we advance to the next digit (which means for every iteration in the while-loop), the power of 8 increases by 1. Do we have a variable to keep track of the power of 8? Yes — curr_place! On the first iteration, the rightmost digit should be multiplied by 8^0 = 1, so our initial value of curr_place on the blank (a) will look like:

curr_place = 1

and accordingly, the blank (d) will be:

decimal = decimal + (curr_digit * curr_place) 
# compute the product of the rightmost digit with the appropriate power of 8
# and add that to our result so far (decimal)

Finally, update the curr_place to increase its power of 8 in the blank (e). We can achieve that with:

curr_place = curr_place * 8

Our final solution looks like:

def convert_to_decimal(octal):
    decimal = 0
    curr_place = 1
    while octal > 0:
        curr_digit = octal % 10
        decimal = decimal + (curr_digit * curr_place)
        curr_place = curr_place * 8
        octal = octal // 10
    return decimal

Here is a couple of alternative solutions:

def convert_to_decimal(octal):
    decimal = 0
    curr_place = 0
    while octal > 0:
        curr_digit = octal % 10
        decimal = decimal + (curr_digit * (8**curr_place))
        curr_place = curr_place + 1
        octal = octal // 10
    return decimal

def convert_to_decimal(octal):
    decimal = 0
    curr_place = 1
    while octal > 0:
        curr_digit = (octal % 10) * curr_place
        decimal = decimal + curr_digit
        curr_place = curr_place * 8
        octal = octal // 10
    return decimal

Forbidden Digits


Implement forbid_digit, a higher-order function which takes two arguments, a function f and a digit forbidden, and returns another function. If the returned function is passed a number where the digit in the 1s place is equal to the forbidden digit, it should return the result of calling the given function on the number without that final digit. Otherwise, it should return the result of calling the given function on the number.

def forbid_digit(f, forbidden):
    >>> g = forbid_digit(lambda y: 200 // (y % 10), 0)
    >>> g(11)
    >>> g(10)
    >>> g = forbid_digit(lambda x: f'{x}a', 6)
    >>> g(61)
    >>> g(66)
    >>> g = forbid_digit(g, 3)
    >>> g(43)
    >>> g(63)
    >>> g(44)
    def forbid_wrapper(n):
        if ________: # (a)
            ________ # (b)
            ________ # (c)
    ________ # (d)


Let’s make a summary of the problem statement:

1) forbid_digit is a HOF and its return value is a function that accepts a single number. Skeleton confirms that there is another function forbid_wrapper in forbid_digit and it takes one argument — an ideal candidate for our return value.

2) With regards to that returned function, if it gets a number n where the rightmost digit is equal to forbidden, it should return the result of calling f on n, but with the rightmost digit removed)

3) Otherwise (if the rightmost digit is not forbidden), just call return f(n) (don’t change/remove any digits)

It is always useful to confirm our understanding against the doctests:

>>> g = forbid_digit(lambda y: 200 // (y % 10), 0) # g is a function now
>>> g(11) # the rightmost digit is 1, 1 != 0, so just apply lambda on 11 
200 # 200 // (11 % 10) = 200 // 1 = 200
>>> g(10) # the rightmost digit is 0, so apply lambda on 1, not 10
200 # 200 // (1 % 10) = 200 // 1 = 200
>>> g = forbid_digit(lambda x: f'{x}a', 6)
>>> g(61) # the rightmost digit is 1, 1 != 0, apply lambda on 61
'61a' # format string simply puts 61 instead of x, resulting in 61a
>>> g(66) # the rightmost digit is 6, apply lambda on just 6
>>> g = forbid_digit(g, 3) # argument g here is a function from the previous set of doctests
>>> g(43) # the rightmost digit is 3, so remove it and return g(4)
>>> g(63) # remove 3 just like previous doctest, and return g(6)
>>> g(44) # simply return g(44)
  • This doctest might have been tricky, because we use g from the previous call to forbid_digit. We should remember that it was a function that removed the rightmost digit of the argument if it was equal to 6 and attached a to the result.
  • Alternatively, you can look at the first line g = forbid_digit(g, 3) as g = forbid_digit(forbid_digit(lambda x: f'{x}a', 6), 3). Now you know that f is something more complicated than a simple lambda function.
  • Particularly, when g(63) is called, we firstly get rid of 3 and call f function on 6. In this case, f is a function from the previous set of doctests, the result of forbid_digit(lambda x: f'{x}a', 6). In this case, the rightmost digit of 6 is equivalent to forbidden, which results in calling lambda on 0, hence the final answer is 0a.

Now we are ready to get started. Per point (1) from our prompt summary, go ahead and put return forbid_wrapper into blank (d).

The body of forbid_wrapper is a single if-statement and our summary points (2) and (3) actually read like a if-else logic: “if it gets a number n...”, “otherwise (if the...”.

Let’s use blank (a) to compare the rightmost digit of n with forbidden, so we can put something like:

n % 10 == forbidden # n % 10 is equal ot the rightmost digit
  • Note that since forbid_wrapper is defined inside forbid_digit, it has access to f and forbidden values. For example, if we define g = forbid_digit(lambda x: f'{x}a', 6), all future calls of g will use 6 as forbidden value.

If our condition is true, in blank (b) we should apply the f function on the n with its rightmost digit removed. Floor dividing n by 10 achieves the “removal” effect:

return f(n // 10)

If the condition happened to be False, we simply apply f on n on the blank (c) and we are done!

return f(n)

Our complete solution looks like:

def forbid_digit(f, forbidden):
    def forbid_wrapper(n);
        if n % 10 == forbidden: 
            return f(n // 10)
            return f(n)
    return forbid_wrapper

# you could also flip the condition and the return values
def forbid_digit(f, forbidden):
    def forbid_wrapper(n);
        if n % 10 != forbidden: 
            return f(n)
            return f(n // 10)
    return forbid_wrapper

Part (e) is similar to part (e) of the Question 1. Actually, the structure of our code is also similar to dipping — it is a single if-statement. So we once again can utilize the conditional expression:

if condition:
    return first_value
    return second_value

# is equivalent to 
return first_value if condition else second_value

Then the answer for part (e) is:

def forbid_digit(f, forbidden):
    return lambda n: f(n // 10) if n % 10 == forbidden else f(n)
  • See that the return value is also a function (lambda) that accepts a single argument n. In general, whenever we need to define a function and have only a single line to do it — we use lambda. If-else logic can also fit-in with the help of conditional expression.

The Floor is Lava


Implement lava_hopper, a function that “hops” from one number to the next computed number and tries to avoid any number detected as “lava”. When it does land on “lava”, it steps backwards by one number until it finds a non-lava number and then keeps hopping. The function takes four arguments: start_number (the initial number), goal_number (the target number), next_hop (a function that computes the next number based on the current), and is_lava (a function that returns a boolean indicating if a number is lava), and it returns the minimum number of hops required to get from start_number to at least goal_number. The number of hops does not include steps backwards. If either the start_number or goal_number spots are lava, it returns the string "No lava allowed there!".

For example, consider this call:

lava_hopper(1, 8, lambda x: x * 2, lambda x: x == 4)

The function starts from the number 1 and then hops to the numbers 2, 4, realizes that’s lava, steps back to 3, hops to 6, hops to 12, and returns 4 (the number of hops required to get to/past 8). Notice that depending on the functions passed in for next_hop and is_lava, it is possible for a correct lava_hopper implementation to result in an infinite loop.

def lava_hopper(start_number, goal_number, next_hop, is_lava):
    >>> # hops from 1->2, 2->4, 4->8
    >>> lava_hopper(1, 8, lambda x: x * 2, lambda x: False)
    >>> # hops from 1->2, 2->4, steps to 3, hops 3->6, hops 6->12
    >>> lava_hopper(1, 8, lambda x: x * 2, lambda x: x == 4)
    >>> # hops from 1->2, 2->4, 4->8, steps to 7, then 6, then 5, hops to 10
    >>> lava_hopper(1, 10, lambda x: x * 2, lambda x: 6 <= x <= 8)
    >>> # hops from 3->6, 6->12, steps to 11, hops 11->22
    >>> lava_hopper(3, 20, lambda x: x * 2, lambda x: x % 10 == 2)
    >>> lava_hopper(1, 8, lambda x: x * 2, lambda x: x == 1)
    'No lava allowed there!'
    >>> lava_hopper(1, 8, lambda x: x * 2, lambda x: x == 8)
    'No lava allowed there!'
    if __________: # (a)
        return 'No lava allowed there!'
    num_hops = 0
    while __________: # (b)
        _________________: # (c)
            __________ # (d)
        start_number = __________ # (e)
        __________ # (f)
    return num_hops


Even though there is quite a lot to digest in the problem description, what is actually happening while (pun intended) we hop is pretty manageable. After carefully reading over the prompt for at least two times, what we have learned is:

  1. We start at start_number and “hop” until we reach or exceed the goal_number.
  2. The return value is the number of hopes we made. We calculate the number we are going to hop to using the next_hop function.
  3. If during the hop, we step on “lava” number (checked using is_lava function), then we step back by 1 until we get to a number that is not lava. From there, we continue our hops as usual. Steps back are NOT considered as hops.
  4. If either start or goal is already “lava”, we return "No lava allowed there!"

The doctests here are provided with explanations and we can just confirm our understanding with them.

So the problem seems “mechanical”, where you just have to do the hops as described, while taking care of conditions about goal_number or “lava”. Quick scan of the skeleton shows us that we will use a while-loop to go over the hops and use num_hops variable to accumulate the result.

Blank (a) asks for a condition that we use to return ‘No lava allowed there!’. As we know from our prompt notes, we do that if either start_number or goal_number is “lava”:

if is_lava(start_number) or is_lava(goal_number):
    return "No lava allowed there!"
  • Some students tried using is_lava == start_number or is_lava == goal_number as the condition, but we have learned both from the statement and doctests that is_lava is a function returning True/False, therefore it has to be called on numbers and its result checked for True value. Checking function against an integer for equality would never work.

Moving on, we need a while-loop condition now. We know that we use loops to perform the same operation multiple times, so probably it will be used to handle each “hop”. Do we know until when we hop? From our notes, until we hit or go beyond goal_number. So we can put something like:

while start_number < goal_number: 
  • You might be tempted to use <= here, but if you consider a test like lava_hopper(1, 1, lambda x: x + 1, lambda x: False), where start and goal are already equal, you see that you don't need to do any hops here (the answer is 0). However, using <= will launch the while loop iteration anyway, and it is likely that you will increase your number of hops there (since there is no other space for that). You could also catch this issue after finishing your solution and testing it (you would see that you overcount).

Whenever I write a while loop, I really like making sure it won't become an infinite loop (can be a good habit!). Instead of going to blank (c), let’s focus on line (e), since it affects the variable that we use in the while-loop’s condition (start_number). From the prompt, we know that next_hop is what we use to advance forward to the goal_number . So start_number = next_hop(start_number) looks to be a reasonable candidate. Defaulting to good old start_number += 1 would not work here, since we utilize a custom lambda function to iterate forward rather than usual incrementing we use in assignments. That is why it is crucial to carefully read over the prompt first!

For blank (c), we see that it ends with : and is followed up by indented blank (d). From what we have learned so far in Python, what usually ends with :? While loops and if statements. The former is used to repeatedly perform some operations while the condition is true, when the latter also does something if the condition is true, but only once. Maybe this is where we can handle the logic of stepping into the lava. We know that if we are on the number that is “lava”, we have to take a step backwards on our counter variable (start_number). So for blanks (c) and (d), something like this might work out:

if is_lava(start_number):
    start_number -= 1
  • Looks good! However, if we are more careful, we notice that making a step back once does not necessarily put us outside of the lava right away. We might have to take more steps backwards, until we are not on the “lava” number. Single execution of the if-statement does not do that, but we can use the while-loop:
while is_lava(start_number):
    start_number -= 1 # we will keep decrementing start_number until we are in the lava

Finally, we have an empty line, blank (f). In the heat of solving the problem, it is common to forget about actually counting the answer! Every iteration in the outer while-loop embodies a single hop (note that the second while-loop does not touch the number of hops since step backs do not count as hops per the prompt), so we can put num_hops += 1 on the blank (f). Here is our complete solution just for reference:

def lava_hopper(start_number, goal_number, next_hop, is_lava):
    if is_lava(start_number) or is_lava(goal_number)>: # (a)
        return 'No lava allowed there!'
    num_hops = 0
    while start_number < goal_number: # (b)
        while is_lava(start_number): # (c)
            start_number -= 1 # (d)
        start_number = next_hop(start_number) # (e)
        num_hops += 1 # (f)
    return num_hops

Part (g) asks us to come up with arguments that result in an infinite-loop. With such input, we would get stuck forever iterating in the while-loop. When does that happen? If we keep satisfying the loop condition every time. So start_number should never reach the goal_number. We unfortunately can’t make goal_number a “lava” number, since it would return “No lava allowed there!”, before going to the while oop. But we can come up with a next_hop function that never lets us move:

lava_hopper(1, 2, lambda x: 1, lambda x: False) # no "lava" numbers, but we will always stay at 1
  • Or you can simply put a “lava” barrier in front of the goal:

    lava_hopper(1, 5, lambda x: x + 1, lambda x: x == 3) # We can never go past 3 to reach 5
  • Or make your hopper hop backwards:

    lava_hopper(1, 2, lambda x: x - 1, lambda x: False)

Curry Up Now


The function order_meal takes three arguments, item_price, item_quantity, and ordered_at, and either returns the total cost of the meal or returns “Wait!” if the meal was not ordered between business hours. Only the doctests are shown below, as the implementation is not necessary for completing the question.

def order_meal(item_price, item_quantity, ordered_at):
    >>> order_meal(5.99, 5, 11)
    >>> order_meal(9.99, 5, 20)
    >>> order_meal(8.99, 5, 7)
    # Code intentionally omitted

Implement curry_up_now, a function that curries order_meal into a chain of three functions that each take a single argument. Once the third function is called, it should attempt to order the meal and print out the result. If the meal was successfully ordered during business hours, it should then return another curried function that can re-order the same item with a 50% discount.

def curry_up_now(item_price):
    >>> curry_up_now(2.99)(2)(15)
    <function <lambda>>
    >>> lunch_special = curry_up_now(8.99)
    >>> lunch_special(5)(11)
    <function <lambda>>
    >>> lunch_special(3)(13)(2)(14)
    >>> no_discount = curry_up_now(10.99)(4)(7)
    >>> print(no_discount)
    def order_quantity(item_quantity):
        def by(ordered_at):
            result = ________ # (a)
            ________ # (b)
            ________: # (c)
                return ________ # (d)
        return by
    return order_quantity


The problem statement was corrected according to the clarification given during the exam.

First of all, we have to understand the possible return values of the order_meal function. Here is the summary you might have come up with:

  • If it returns the total cost, it seems to be just multiplying item_price with item_quantity, which conceptually makes perfect sense as the total cost of the order
  • If it returns “Wait!”, it is likely that ordered_at was the time during “business hours”. We do not know what exactly these “business hours” are.
  • The implementation is omitted, so we will only rely on the connection between arguments and return value. Conceptually, we can assume that only ordered_at should impact on whether the return value is the total cost or “Wait!”.

Now, what about curry_up_now?

  • It curries order_meal into a chain of three functions, which means it will wrap a call to order_meal into three function, nested into each other. Essentially, we aim to transform the three-argument function order_meal into a chain of three functions, where each one accepts a single argument. It allows for code like this: curry_up_now(2.99)(2)(15).
  • After the third argument (ordered_at) is fed in, it attempts to order the meal and print the result (calls order_meal and prints its return value). If the order was successful (got total cost as a result of calling order_meal), the function should return another chain of two functions that allows to order the same item (means the item_price from the original call was "saved", that is why the return value is a chain of two functions, since it only needs item_quantity and ordered_at) for 50% discount.

Doctests help a lot here to clarify what is going on:

>>> curry_up_now(2.99)(2)(15) 
5.98 # order was between "business hours", so we get 2.99 * 2 = 5.98 printed 
<function <lambda>> # returned lambda function that allows for a discounted order
# sadly we cannot call this lambda since the original curry_up_now result was
# not assigned to any variable to capture the lambda

>>> lunch_special = curry_up_now(8.99) # we "set" 8.99 to be the item price 
# lunch_special is now a function that can curry-in two arguments
>>> lunch_special(5)(11) # we feed in the item_quantity of 5 and ordered_at of 11
44.95 # 8.99 * 5 = 44.95 -- the order is successful
<function <lambda>> # function that allows discounted order that was not captured again
  • These doctests showcase how currying happens and also show that curry_up_now prints the total cost, but returns the lambda function.
>>> lunch_special(3)(13)(2)(14)
  • This one is tricky. First of all, remember that the value of lunch_special is still curry_up_now(8.99), where we fixed the item price to be 8.99. So it remains to be a chain of two functions, each accepting item_quantity and ordered_at.
  • lunch_special(3)(13) is a single order, made for item with item_price = 8.99, item_quantity = 3, ordered_at = 13. The order was successful since we printed 26.97 on the next line (26.97 = 8.99 * 3).
  • We can see that the expression lunch_special(3)(13) is followed up by two calls (2)(14), which reaffirms us that the order was successful and the expression was evaluated to be a chain of two functions, allowing for a discounted order. Indeed, 8.99 * 2 = 17.98, but instead there is 8.99 on the next line, which is exactly 50% discount for 17.98.
>>> no_discount = curry_up_now(10.99)(4)(7) # make a new call with three arguments
Wait! # the order was not during business hours, so "Wait!" is printed instead of the total cost
>>> print(no_discount)
# it is None because the order was unsuccessful, 
# we did not get a function for making a discounted order :(

After a long journey with doctests, we are fortunate that the skeleton already has the currying structure of three functions, where:

  • the curry_up_now takes argument item_price and returns order_quantity function,
  • the order_quantity function takes item_quantity as argument and returns by
  • the by function has ordered_at as argument and returns what we are going put in blank (d). But let’s start from blank (a).

We know that order_now (for a regular price, not discounted) must be called somewhere in curry_up_now . Any blank from (a) - (c) can achieve that.

We also know that the result of order_now will be checked for whether it equals a total cost (in which case we return a lambda that for a discounted order) or a string "Wait!" (in that case, return None). This conditional logic might incline us to put the order_now call into blank (c). Something like:

if order_now(item_price, item_quantity, ordered_at) != "Wait!": # blank (c)
	 return _________ # blank (d), curried function
# this is the end of function by, which means otherwise it returns None

However, the result of order_now must also be printed. We need to store its result somewhere to both print it and compare against "Wait!". There is already a variable given to us — result! Let’s use blank (a) for order_now call:

result = order_now(item_price, item_quantity, ordered_at)

As mentioned above, the result should be printed. Blank (b)?


Our previous if-statement in blank (c) changes into:

if result != "Wait!":

The moment of truth! We need to come up with a function (also using only a single line, hi lambda!) that calls order_meal with discounted price and also prints its result 😱

Let’s figure it out step-by-step. A call to order_meal for half a price should be something like:

order_meal(item_price * 0.5, item_quantity, ordered_at)

Now we need to ensure that the item_price used above is from the original call to curry_up_now (i.e. in the environment diagram, item_price value should come from the frame of curry_up_now). The remaining two arguments must be curried-in, so we need to chain two lambdas together:

lambda item_quantity: lambda ordered_at: order_meal(item_price * 0.5, item_quantity, ordered_at)

Cool! The only problem is where to print the result of order_meal. Well, what if...

lambda item_quantity: lambda ordered_at: print(order_meal(item_price * 0.5, item_quantity, ordered_at))
  • To reiterate, this expression is a chain of two functions which calls order_meal with a discounted price, prints its result (either the total cost or “Wait!”) and returns None (what a call to print evaluates to).

Here is the full solution for reference:

def curry_up_now(item_price):
    def order_quantity(item_quantity):
        def by(ordered_at):
            result = order_now(item_price, item_quantity, ordered_at)
            if result != "Wait!":
                return lambda item_quantity: lambda ordered_at: order_meal(item_price * 0.5, item_quantity, ordered_at)
                # otherwise return None
        return by
    return order_quantity

Part (e) asks us to condense this tongue-twister into a single line. It means we need to perform all of the following in the single line of code:

result = order_now(item_price, item_quantity, ordered_at)
if result != "Wait!":
    return lambda item_quantity: lambda ordered_at: order_meal(item_price * 0.5, item_quantity, ordered_at)

First of all, we can try replacing result on lines 2 and 3 above with a call to order_now, so there is no need to have a variable result. Something like:

print(order_now(item_price, item_quantity, ordered_at))
if order_now(item_price, item_quantity, ordered_at) != "Wait!":
    return lambda item_quantity: lambda ordered_at: order_meal(item_price * 0.5, item_quantity, ordered_at)

Okay, one line is gone. The conditional expression always rescued us in previous problems, when we needed a one-liner, so let’s try utilize it here as well:

print(order_now(item_price, item_quantity, ordered_at))
return lambda q: lambda h: order_meal(item_price * 0.5, q, h) if order_now(item_price, item_quantity, ordered_at) != "Wait!" else None
  • The arguments of the lambda functino that we return were changed to q and h to not get confused with the call that happens in the condition.

Finally, we need a way for both of these lines to execute in a single line and the last expression (conditional one) should be returned. Since a call to print returns None, which is considered falsey value, we can put or between a call to print and the conditional expression:

return print(order_now(item_price, item_quantity, ordered_at)) or ( (lambda q: lambda h: order_meal(item_price * 0.5, q, h)) if order_now(item_price, item_quantity, ordered_at) != "Wait!" else None)

A call to print will display the result of order_now call and then will be evaluated to None . The return expression will look like:

return None or ( (lambda q: lambda h: order_meal(item_price * 0.5, q, h)) if order_now(item_price, item_quantity, ordered_at) != "Wait!" else None)

Such expression will inevitably return the result of evaluating the conditional expression, which is either None (if our second call to order_now resulted in “Wait!”) or the chain of two functions that make a discounted order.