Scheme programs consist of expressions, which can be:
(quotient 10 2)
(not #t)
The built-in Scheme list data structure can represent combinations:
(list 'quotient 10 2) ; (quotient 10 2)
The eval
procedure evaluates a given expression
in the current environment.
(eval <expression>)
(eval (list 'quotient 10 2)) ; 5
Quote supresses evaluation, while eval forces evaluation. They can cancel each other out!
(define x 3)
'x ; x
(eval 'x) ; 3
Compare standard factorial:
(define (fact n)
(if (= n 0)
(* n (fact (- n 1)))))
(fact 5) ; 120 a version that generates an expression:
(define (fact-exp n)
(if (= n 0)
(list '* n (fact-exp (- n 1)))))
(fact-exp 5) ; (* 5 (* 4 (* 3 (* 2 (* 1 1)))))
(eval (fact-exp 5)) ; 5
Compare standard Virahanka-Fibonacci:
(define (virfib n)
(if (<= n 1)
(+ (virfib (- n 2)) (virfib (- n 1)))))
(virfib 6) ; 8 a version that generates an expression:
(define (virfib-exp n)
(if (<= n 1)
(list '+ (virfib-exp (- n 2)) (virfib-exp (- n 1)))))
(virfib-exp 6) ; (+ (+ (+ 0 1) (+ 1 (+ 0 1))) (+ (+ 1 (+ 0 1)) (+ (+ 0 1) (+ 1 (+ 0 1)))))
(eval (virfib-exp 6)) ; 8
There are two ways to quote an expression:
Quote | '(a b) → (a b)
Quasiquote | `(a b) → (a b)
They are different because parts of a quasiquoted expression can be unquoted with ,
(define b 4)
| |
Quote | '(a ,(+ b 1)) → (a (unquote (+ b 1))
Quasiquote | `(a ,(+ b 1)) → (a 5)
Quasiquotation is particularly convenient for generating Scheme expressions:
(define (make-adder n) `(lambda (d) (+ d ,n)))
(make-adder 2) ; (lambda (d) (+ d 2))
Remember, the generated expression is a Scheme list:
(define new-func (make-adder 2))
new-func ; (lambda (d) (+ d 2))
(list? new-func) ; #t
(car new-func) ; lambda
Calculate the sum of the squares of even numbers less than 10, starting with 2
Calculate the sum of numbers whose squares are less than 50, starting with 1
Could a procedure generate custom loop expressions for us?
(define (sum-while initial-x condition add-to-total update-x)
The goal is for this call:
(sum-while 1 '(< (* x x) 50) 'x '(+ x 1)) generate this expression:
(begin (define (loop x total)
(if (< (* x x) 50)
(loop (+ x 1) (+ total x))
(loop 1 0))
(define (sum-while initial-x condition add-to-total update-x)
`(begin (define (loop x total)
(if ,condition
(loop ,update-x (+ total ,add-to-total ))
(loop ,initial-x 0))
(sum-while 1 '(< (* x x) 50) 'x '(+ x 1))
; (begin (define (loop x total) (if (< (* x x) 50) (loop (+ x 1) (+ total x)) total)) (loop 1 0))
(eval (sum-while 1 '(< (* x x) 50) 'x '(+ x 1))) ; 28
(eval (sum-while 2 '(< x 10) '(* x x) '(+ x 2))) ; 120
The apply
procedure applies a given procedure to a list of arguments.
(apply <procedure> <arguments>)
(apply + '(1 2 3 ))
(define (sum s) (apply + s))
(sum '(1 2 3))
A function that can apply any function expression to any list of arguments:
(define (call-func func-expression func-args)
(apply (eval func-expression) func-args)
(call-func '(lambda (a b) (+ a b)) '(3 4)) ; 7