
Tips for navigating the slides:
  • Press O or Escape for overview mode.
  • Visit this link for a nice printable version
  • Press the copy icon on the upper right of code blocks to copy the code

Class outline:

  • Iterators
  • For loops with iterators
  • Built-in functions for iterators

Reminder: Iterables

Lists, tuples, dictionaries, strings, and ranges are all iterable objects.

                    my_order = ["Yuca Shepherds Pie", "Pão de queijo", "Guaraná"]

                    ranked_chocolates = ("Dark", "Milk", "White")

                    best_topping = "pineapple"

                    scores = range(1, 21)

                    prices = {"pineapple": 9.99, "pen": 2.99, "pineapple-pen": 19.99}


An iterator is an object that provides sequential access to values, one by one.

iter(iterable) returns an iterator over the elements of an iterable.

next(iterator) returns the next element in an iterator.

                    toppings = ["pineapple", "pepper", "mushroom", "roasted red pepper"]

                    topperator = iter(toppings)
                    next(iter) # 'pineapple'
                    next(iter) # 'pepper'
                    next(iter) # 'mushroom'
                    next(iter) # 'roasted red pepper'
                    next(iter) # ❌ StopIteration exception

A useful detail

Calling iter() on an iterator just returns the iterator:

                    numbers = ["一つ", "二つ", "三つ"]
                    num_iter = iter(numbers)
                    num_iter2 = iter(num_iter)

                    assert num_iter is num_iter2

Making iterators for iterables

iter() can return an iterator for any iterable object.

                    my_order = ["Yuca Shepherds Pie", "Pão de queijo", "Guaraná"]
                    order_iter = iter(order)
                    next(order_iter)  # "Yuca Shepherds Pie"

                    ranked_chocolates = ("Dark", "Milk", "White")
                    chocolate_iter = iter(ranked_chocolates)
                    next(chocolate_iter)  # "Dark"

                    best_topping = "pineapple"
                    topping_iter = iter(best_topping)
                    next(topping_iter) # "p"

                    scores = range(1, 21)
                    score_iter = iter(scores)
                    next(score_iter) # 1

Making iterators for dictionaries

In Python 3.6+, items in a dict are ordered according to when they were added.

                    prices = {"pineapple": 9.99, "pen": 2.99, "pineapple-pen": 19.99}

An iterator for the keys:

                    price_iter = iter(prices.keys())
                    next(price_iter)  # "pineapple"

An iterator for the values:

                    price_iter = iter(prices.values())
                    next(price_iter)  # 9.99

An iterator for key/value tuples:

                    price_iter = iter(prices.items())
                    next(price_iter)  # ("pineapple", 9.99)

For loops

For loop execution

                    for <name> in <expression>:
  1. Python evaluates <expression> to make sure it's iterable.
  2. Python gets an iterator for the iterable.
  3. Python gets the next value from the iterator and assigns to <name>.
  4. Python executes <suite>.
  5. Python repeats until it sees a StopIteration error.

                    iterator = iter(<expression>)
                        while True:
                            <name> = next(iterator)
                    except StopIteration:

Iterating over iterables

A standard for-in loop on an iterable will iterate through all the items from start to finish.

                    my_order = ["Yuca Shepherds Pie", "Pão de queijo", "Guaraná"]
                    for item in my_order:
                    lowered = [item.lower() for item in my_order]

                    ranked_chocolates = ("Dark", "Milk", "White")
                    for chocolate in ranked_chocolates:

                    prices = {"pineapple": 9.99, "pen": 2.99, "pineapple-pen": 19.99}
                    for product in prices:
                        print(product, " costs ", prices[product])
                    discounted = { item: prices[item] * 0.75 for item in prices }

                    best_topping = "pineapple"
                    for letter in best_topping:

For loop with iterator

When used in a for loop, Python will call next() on the iterator in each iteration:

                    nums = range(1, 4)
                    num_iter = iter(nums)
                    for num in num_iter:

For loops with used-up iterators

                    nums = range(1, 4)
                    num_iter = iter(nums)
                    first = next(num_iter)

                    for num in num_iter:

Iterators are mutable! Once the iterator moves forward, it won't return the values that came before.

                    nums = range(1, 4)
                    sum = 0
                    num_iter = iter(nums)

                    for num in num_iter:
                    for num in num_iter:
                        sum += num

Use cases for iterators

Reasons for using iterators

A code that processes an iterator using iter() or next() makes few assumptions about the data itself.

  • Changing the data storage from a list to a tuple, map, or dict doesn't require rewriting code.
  • Others are more likely to be able to use your code on their data.

An iterator bundles together a sequence and a position with the sequence in a single object.

  • Passing that object to another function always retains its position.
  • Ensures that each element of the sequence is only processed once.
  • Limits the operations that can be performed to only calling next().

Blackjack demo

Player 7 of spades playing card 9 of spades playing card 5 of spades playing card
Dealer J of spades playing card Back of playing card A of spades playing card 10 of spades playing card

Useful built-in functions

Functions that return iterables

Function Description
list(iterable) Returns a list containing all items in iterable
tuple(iterable) Returns a tuple containing all items in iterable
sorted(iterable) Returns a sorted list containing all items in iterable

Functions that return iterators

Function Description
reversed(sequence) Iterate over item in sequence in reverse order
(See example in PythonTutor)
zip(*iterables) Iterate over co-indexed tuples with elements from each of the iterables
(See example in PythonTutor)
map(func, iterable, ...) Iterate over func(x) for x in iterable
Same as [func(x) for x in iterable]
(See example in PythonTutor)
filter(func, iterable) Iterate over x in iterable if func(x)
Same as [x for x in iterable if func(x)]
(See example in PythonTutor)

Built-in map function

map(func, iterable): Applies func(x) for x in iterable and returns an iterator

                    def double(num):
                        return num * 2

                    for num in map(double, [1, 2, 3]):

                    for word in map(lambda text: text.lower(), ["SuP", "HELLO", "Hi"]):

Turn the iterator into a list using list()

                    doubled = list(map(double, [1, 2, 3]))

                    lowered = list(map(lambda text: text.lower(), ["SuP", "HELLO", "Hi"]))

Exercise: Termified

Let's implement this without using a list comprehension.

                    def termified(n, term):
                        """Returns every the result of calling TERM
                        on each element in the range from 0 to N (inclusive).

                        >>> termified(5, lambda x: 2 ** x)
                        [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32]

Exercise: Termified (solution)

Using map:

                    def termified(n, term):
                        """Returns every the result of calling TERM
                        on each element in the range from 0 to N (inclusive).

                        >>> termified(5, lambda x: 2 ** x)
                        [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32]
                        return list(map(term, range(n + 1)))

Compare to list comprehension version:

                    def termified(n, term):
                        return [term(x) for x in range(n + 1)]

Built-in filter function

filter(func, iterable): Returns an iterator from the items of iterable where func(item) is true.

                    def is_fourletterword(text):
                        return len(text) == 4

                    for word in filter(is_fourletterword, ["braid", "bode", "brand", "band"]):

                    for num in filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, [1, 2, 3, 4]):

Turn the iterator into a list using list()

                    filtered = list(is_fourletterword, ["braid", "bode", "brand", "band"]))

                    evens = list(filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, [1, 2, 3, 4]))

Exercise: Divisors

Let's implement this without using a list comprehension.

                    def divisors(n):
                        """Returns all the divisors of N.

                        >>> divisors(12)
                        [1, 2, 3, 4, 6]

Exercise: Divisors (solution)

Using filter:

                    def divisors(n):
                        """Returns all the divisors of N.

                        >>> divisors(12)
                        [1, 2, 3, 4, 6]
                        return list(filter(lambda x: n % x == 0, range(1, n)))

Compare to list comprehension version:

                        def divisors(n):
                            return [x for x in range(1, n) if n % x == 0]

Built-in zip function

zip(*iterables): Returns an iterator that aggregates elements from each of the iterables into co-indexed pairs

                    # From:                   # To:
                    ["one", "two", "three"]   --> ("one", "uno")  ("two", "dos")  ("three", "tres")
                    ["uno", "dos", "tres"]

                    english_nums = ["one", "two", "three"]
                    spanish_nums = ["uno", "dos", "tres"]
                    zip_iter = zip(english_nums, spanish_nums)
                    english, spanish = next(zip_iter)
                    print(english, spanish)
                    for english, spanish in zip(english_nums, spanish_nums):
                        print(english, spanish)

Turn the iterator into a list using list()

                    zipped = list(zip(english_nums, spanish_nums))

Exercise: matches

List comprehensions are allowed for this one...

                    def matches(a, b):
                        """Return the number of values k such that A[k] == B[k].
                        >>> matches([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [3, 2, 3, 0, 5])
                        >>> matches("abdomens", "indolence")
                        >>> matches("abcd", "dcba")
                        >>> matches("abcde", "edcba")
                        >>> matches("abcdefg", "edcba")

Exercise: matches (solution)

                    def matches(a, b):
                        """Return the number of values k such that A[k] == B[k].
                        >>> matches([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [3, 2, 3, 0, 5])
                        >>> matches("abdomens", "indolence")
                        >>> matches("abcd", "dcba")
                        >>> matches("abcde", "edcba")
                        >>> matches("abcdefg", "edcba")
                        return sum([1 for a, b in zip(a, b) if a == b])

Exercise: List of lists

                    def list_o_lists(n):
                        """Assuming N >= 0, return the list consisting of N lists:
                        [1], [1, 2], [1, 2, 3], ... [1, 2, ... N].
                        >>> list_o_lists(0)
                        >>> list_o_lists(1)
                        >>> list_o_lists(5)
                        [[1], [1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]

Exercise: List of lists (solution)

                    def list_o_lists(n):
                        """Assuming N >= 0, return the list consisting of N lists:
                        [1], [1, 2], [1, 2, 3], ... [1, 2, ... N].
                        >>> list_o_lists(0)
                        >>> list_o_lists(1)
                        >>> list_o_lists(5)
                        [[1], [1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]
                        return [list(range(1, i + 1)) for i in range(1, n+1)]

Exercise: Palindrome

                    def palindrome(s):
                        """Return whether s is the same sequence backward and forward.

                        >>> palindrome([3, 1, 4, 1, 5])
                        >>> palindrome([3, 1, 4, 1, 3])
                        >>> palindrome('seveneves')
                        >>> palindrome('seven eves')

Exercise: Palindrome (solution)

                    def palindrome(s):
                        """Return whether s is the same sequence backward and forward.
                        >>> palindrome([3, 1, 4, 1, 5])
                        >>> palindrome([3, 1, 4, 1, 3])
                        >>> palindrome('seveneves')
                        >>> palindrome('seven eves')
                        return all([a == b for a, b in zip(s, reversed(s))])
                        # OR
                        return list(s) == list(reversed(s))

Icon project

Screenshot of icon displaying project

Icon design

An OOP Icon

Goal: Use OOP to represent an Icon with pixels at a particular location with a particular color.

Diagram of icon with pixels

The Color class

                    class Color:

                        def __init__(self, r, g, b):
                            self.r = r
                            self.g = g
                            self.b = b

                        def __repr__(self):
                            return f"Color({self.r},{self.g},{self.b})"

                        def to_hex(self):
                            return f"#{self.r:02x}{self.g:02x}{self.b:02x}"

                    red = Color(255, 0, 0)

The Pixel class

                    class Pixel:
                        def __init__(self, x, y, r, g, b):
                            self.x = x
                            self.y = y
                            self.color = Color(r, g, b)

                        def __repr__(self):
                            return f"Pixel({self.x},{self.y},{self.color})"

                    pixel = Pixel(0, 7, 255, 0, 0)

The Icon class

                    class Icon:

                        def __init__(self, width, height, pixels=None):
                            self.width = width
                            self.height = height
                            self.pixels = pixels
                            if not self.pixels:
                                self.pixels = [ Pixel(x, y, 0, 0, 0)
                                    for x in range(width) for y in range(height)]

                        def __repr__(self):
                            pixels = ",".join([repr(pixel) for pixel in self.pixels])
                            return f"Icon({self.width}, {self.height}, {self.pixels})"

                    icon = Icon(2, 2, [Pixel(0, 0, 255, 0, 0),
                        Pixel(0, 1, 255, 50, 0),
                        Pixel(1, 0, 255, 100, 0),
                        Pixel(1, 1, 255, 150, 0)])

                    for pixel in icon.pixels:
                        pixel.color.g += 50

The DisplayFrame class

                    from tkinter import Canvas, Frame, BOTH, font

                    class DisplayFrame(Frame):

                        def __init__(self):
                            self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
                            self.canvas = Canvas(self)
                            self.canvas.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)

                        def draw_icon(self, icon):
                            x_offset = 50
                            y_offset = 50
                            pixel_size = 20

                            for pixel in icon.pixels:
                                top_left_x = x_offset + pixel.x * pixel_size
                                top_left_y = y_offset + pixel.y * pixel_size
                                    top_left_x + pixel_size,
                                    top_left_y + pixel_size,

All together

                    from tkinter import Tk

                    from icon import Icon, Pixel, Color
                    from display_frame import DisplayFrame

                    # Initialize the Tkinter frame and canvas
                    root = Tk()

                    display = DisplayFrame()

                    # Run Tkinter loop

Visit the demo to see all the classes used with the Python tkinter package for graphics rendering.

Iterator-producing functions

What happens if we...

map the pixels?

                    changer = lambda p: Pixel(p.x, p.y,
                        p.x * 30,
                        p.color.g + 30,
                        p.y * 30)
                    icon.pixels = list(map(changer, icon.pixels))

filter the pixels?

                    is_odd = lambda p: p.x % 2 == 0
                    icon.pixels = list(filter(is_odd, icon.pixels))

Iterable-processing functions

What happens if we ask for the min and max of the pixels?

                    max_pix = max(icon.pixels)
                    min_pix = min(icon.pixels)

Python doesn't know how to compare Pixel instances! Two options:

  • Implement dunder methods (__eq__, __lt__, etc)
  • Pass in a key function that returns a numerical value:

                    rgb_adder = lambda p: p.color.r + p.color.g + p.color.b
                    max_pix = max(icon.pixels, key=rgb_adder)
                    min_pix = min(icon.pixels, key=rgb_adder)