Composition, Representation

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Class outline:

  • Composition
  • Representation



An object can contain references to objects of other classes.

What examples of composition are in an animal conservatory?

  • An animal has a mate.
  • An animal has a mother.
  • An animal has children.
  • A conservatory has animals.

Referencing other instances

An instance variable can refer to another instance.

We can add this method to the base Animal class that adds a mate instance variable:

                    class Animal:

                        def mate_with(self, other):
                            if other is not self and other.species_name == self.species_name:
                                self.mate = other
                                other.mate = self

How would we call that method?

                    mr_wabbit = Rabbit("Mister Wabbit", 3)
                    jane_doe = Rabbit("Jane Doe", 2)

Referencing a list of instances

An instance variable can also store a list of instances.

We can add this method to the Rabbit class that adds a babies instance variable.

                    class Rabbit(Animal):

                        def reproduce_like_rabbits(self):
                            if self.mate is None:
                                print("oh no! better go on ZoOkCupid")
                            self.babies = []
                            for _ in range(0, self.num_in_litter):
                                self.babies.append(Rabbit("bunny", 0))

How would we call that function?

                    mr_wabbit = Rabbit("Mister Wabbit", 3)
                    jane_doe = Rabbit("Jane Doe", 2)

Relying on a common interface

If all instances implement a method with the same function signature, a program can rely on that method across instances of different subclasses.

                    def partytime(animals):
                        """Assuming ANIMALS is a list of Animals, cause each
                        to interact with all the others exactly once."""
                        for i in range(len(animals)):
                            for j in range(i + 1, len(animals)):

How would we call that function?

                    jane_doe = Rabbit("Jane Doe", 2)
                    scar = Lion("Scar", 12)
                    elly = Elephant("Elly", 5)
                    pandy = Panda("PandeyBear", 4)
                    partytime([jane_doe, scar, elly, pandy])

Composition vs. Inheritance

Inheritance is best for representing "is-a" relationships

  • Rabbit is a specific type of Animal
  • So, Rabbit inherits from Animal

Composition is best for representing "has-a" relationships

  • A conservatory has a collection of animals it cares for
  • So, a conservatory has a list of animals as an instance variable

Objects everywhere

So many objects

What are the objects in this code?

                    class Lamb:
                        species_name = "Lamb"
                        scientific_name = "Ovis aries"

                        def __init__(self, name):
                   = name

                        def play(self):
                            self.happy = True

                    lamb = Lamb("Lil")
                    owner = "Mary"
                    had_a_lamb = True
                    fleece = {"color": "white", "fluffiness": 100}
                    kids_at_school = ["Billy", "Tilly", "Jilly"]
                    day = 1

lamb, owner, had_a_lamb, fleece, kids_at_school, day, etc.
We can prove it by checking object.__class__.__bases__, which reports the base class(es) of the object's class.

It's all objects

All the built-in types inherit from object:

Diagram of object inheritance

Built-in object attributes

If all the built-in types and user classes inherit from object, what are they inheriting?

Just ask dir(), a built-in function that returns a list of all the "interesting" attributes on an object.

  • For string representation: __repr__, __str__, __format__
  • For comparisons: __eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__
  • Related to classes: __bases__, __class__, __new__, __init__, __init_subclass__, __subclasshook__, __setattr__, __delattr__, __getattribute__
  • Others: __dir__, __hash__, __module__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__

Python calls these methods behind these scenes, so we are often not aware when the "dunder" methods are being called.
💡 Let us become enlightened! 💡

String representation


The __str__ method returns a human readable string representation of an object.

                    from fractions import Fraction

                    one_third = 1/3
                    one_half = Fraction(1, 2)

                    float.__str__(one_third)      # '0.3333333333333333'
                    Fraction.__str__(one_half)    # '1/2'

__str__ usage

The __str__ method is used in multiple places by Python: print() function, str() constructor, f-strings, and more.

                    from fractions import Fraction

                    one_third = 1/3
                    one_half = Fraction(1, 2)

                    print(one_third)             # '0.3333333333333333'
                    print(one_half)              # '1/2'

                    str(one_third)               # '0.3333333333333333'
                    str(one_half)                # '1/2'

                    f"{one_half} > {one_third}"  # '1/2 > 0.3333333333333333'

Custom __str__ behavior

When making custom classes, we can override __str__ to define our human readable string representation.

                    class Lamb:
                        species_name = "Lamb"
                        scientific_name = "Ovis aries"

                        def __init__(self, name):
                   = name

                        def __str__(self):
                            return "Lamb named " +

                    lil = Lamb("Lil lamb")




The __repr__ method returns a string that would evaluate to an object with the same values.

                    from fractions import Fraction

                    one_half = Fraction(1, 2)
                    Fraction.__repr__(one_half)           # 'Fraction(1, 2)'

If implemented correctly, calling eval() on the result should return back that same-valued object.

                    another_half = eval(Fraction.__repr__(one_half))

__repr__ usage

The __repr__ method is used multiple places by Python: when repr(object) is called and when displaying an object in an interactive Python session.

                    from fractions import Fraction

                    one_third = 1/3
                    one_half = Fraction(1, 2)


Custom __repr__ behavior

When making custom classes, we can override __repr__ to return a more appropriate Python representation.

                    class Lamb:
                        species_name = "Lamb"
                        scientific_name = "Ovis aries"

                        def __init__(self, name):
                   = name

                        def __str__(self):
                            return "Lamb named " +

                        def __repr__(self):
                            return f"Lamb({repr(})"

                    lil = Lamb("Lil lamb")

The rules of repr and str

When the repr(obj) function is called:

  • Python calls the ClassName.__repr__ method if it exists.
  • If ClassName.__repr__ does not exist, Python will look up the chain of parent classes until it finds one with __repr__ defined.
  • If all else fails, object.__repr__ will be called.

When the str(obj) class constructor is called:

  • Python calls the ClassName.__str__ method if it exists.
  • If no __str__ method is found on that class, Python calls repr() on the object instead.
  • ↑ See above!

Special methods

Special methods

Special methods have built-in behavior. Special method names always start and end with double underscores.

Name Behavior
__init__ Method invoked automatically when an object is constructed
__repr__ Method invoked to display an object as a Python expression
__str__ Method invoked to stringify an object
__add__ Method invoked to add one object to another
__bool__ Method invoked to convert an object to True or False
__float__ Method invoked to convert an object to a float (real number)

See all special method names.

Special method examples

                    zero = 0
                    one = 1
                    two = 2
Standard approach Dunder equivalent

                            one + two # 3

                            one.__add__(two) # 3

                            bool(zero) # False

                            zero.__bool__() # False

                            bool(one)  # True

                            one.__bool__()  # True

Adding together custom objects

Consider the following class:

                    from math import gcd

                    class Rational:
                        def __init__(self, numerator, denominator):
                            g = gcd(numerator, denominator)
                            self.numer = numerator // g
                            self.denom = denominator // g

                        def __str__(self):
                            return f"{self.numer}/{self.denom}"

                        def __repr__(self):
                            return f"Rational({self.numer}, {self.denom})"

Will this work?

                    Rational(1, 2) + Rational(3, 4)

🚫 TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'Rational' and 'Rational'

Implementing dunder methods

We can make instances of custom classes addable by defining the __add__ method:

                    class Rational:
                        def __init__(self, numerator, denominator):
                            g = gcd(numerator, denominator)
                            self.numer = numerator // g
                            self.denom = denominator // g

                        def __add__(self, other):
                            new_numer = self.numer * other.denom + other.numer * self.denom
                            new_denom = self.denom * other.denom
                            return Rational(new_numer, new_denom)

                        # The rest...

Now try...

                    Rational(1, 2) + Rational(3, 4)


Polymorphic functions

Polymorphic function: A function that applies to many (poly) different forms (morph) of data

str and repr are both polymorphic; they apply to any object.

                    repr(1/3)            # '0.3333333333333333'
                    repr(Rational(1, 3)) # 'Rational(1, 3)'

                    str(1/3)            # '0.3333333333333333'
                    str(Rational(1, 3)) # '1/3'

The class of that object can customize the per-object behavior using __str__ and __repr__.

Generic functions

A generic function can apply to arguments of different types.

                    def sum_two(a, b):
                        return a + b

What could a and b be? Anything summable!

The function sum_two is generic in the type of a and b.

Generic function #2

                    def sum_em(items, initial_value):
                        """Returns the sum of ITEMS,
                        starting with a value of INITIAL_VALUE."""
                        sum = initial_value
                        for item in items:
                            sum += item
                        return sum

What could items be? Any iterable with summable values.

What could initial_value be? Any value that can be summed with the values in iterable.

The function sum_em is generic in the type of items and the type of initial_value.

Type dispatching

Another way to make generic functions is to select a behavior based on the type of the argument.

                        def is_valid_month(month):
                            if isinstance(month, int):
                                return month >= 1 and month <= 12
                            elif isinstance(month, str):
                                return month in ["January", "February", "March", "April",
                                                "May", "June", "July", "August", "September",
                                                "October", "November", "December"]
                            return false

What could month be? Either an int or string.

The function is_valid_month is generic in the type of month.

Type coercion

Another way to make generic functions is to coerce an argument into the desired type.

                        def sum_numbers(nums):
                            """Returns the sum of NUMS"""
                            sum = Rational(0, 0)
                            for num in nums:
                                if isinstance(num, int):
                                    num = Rational(num, 1)
                                sum += num
                            return sum

What could nums be? Any iterable with ints or Rationals.

The function sum_numbers is generic in the type of nums.